Information for All Groups
Martha Darkins, RN, LPC, CSAT
Licensed Professional Counselor
Vantage Point Counseling
Skyline Building, Suite 100
0224 SW Hamilton Street
Portland, OR 97239
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday / Evenings & Noon
$60 for 90-minute group
Women’s Group: Stopping the Cycle of Unfulfilling Relationships:
Dealing with the agony of Love, Romance, and Sexual Addiction
Have one-night stands and hook-ups become your way of trying to find intimacy or a genuine relationship? Do you try to use sex or sexual innuendo to entrap men into loving you? Is your sex appeal the primary source of your self-esteem? Join us weekly for a small, safe and accepting women’s group that focuses on learning how to find true intimacy.
- Define behaviors that are self defeating and sabotage intimacy
- Find appropriate ways to enhance self-esteem
- Learn to set boundaries with other people so you feel safe
- Explore how to care for yourself in ways that are self affirming
- Establish ways to communicate with others using moderation
- Stop trying to control others
- Reduce anger and resentment by looking at early trauma
- Explore your own definition of spirituality
- Understand healthy sexuality and intimacy
Healing from Betrayal:
Finding your way out of victimhood
If you know the sting of betrayal then you know the cycle of feeling like a victim who blames her/himself for not knowing. You are familiar with the attempts to discover more information about the betrayal and police your partner’s behavior.
You have tried to stick your head in the sand and pretend it doesn’t matter. You know extreme sadness as well as extreme anger. If you are looking for relief from this cycle, join us weekly for a small, safe, women and men’s group for the partners and spouses of sexually compulsive or addicted people.
It’s not about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.
- Grieve losses and look at the costs to you of the betrayal
- Learn to nurture yourself in ways that improve self-esteem
- Deal with denial, anger and resentment
- Set boundaries for the future
- Stop focusing on blame and punishment
- Understand why forgiveness is beneficial to you
- Develop a supportive community of people who have experienced your pain
Criteria for participation:
- Participation in S-Anon or Al-Anon group